The walk-in-interviews will be held on 16.02.2015 at Corporate Learning Centre
(CLDC), Nalanda Complex, Near TIFR Balloon Facility, ECIL, Hyderabad.Post
Details:Scientific Asst-A (C): 03Diploma (1st Class) in Mechanical / Electrical
Engg. or Diploma (1st class) in Electronics & Communication Engg. Minimum two
years of experience.How to Attend: Candidates may attend the interview at
respective venue with duly filled in application along with all original
certificates in support of date of birth, qualification, experience and caste
etc.,with one set of photocopies and recent passport size colour photograph at
the respective venue.Interview Date: 16.02.2015Venue: Corporate Learning Centre
(CLDC), Nalanda Complex, Near TIFR Balloon Facility, ECIL,
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