Eligibility Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Physics, Chemistry, Geology,
Geophysics, Ocean Sciences, Atmospheric Sciences, Space Physics, and
Environmental Sciences with first class (60%) or equivalent grades at both
Bachelor's and Master's levels. Students from all disciplines applying for
JRF programme must have had Physics and Mathematics in their Bachelor's
degree. Master's degree should be on or after August 2013. Those students
expecting a Master's degree by August, 2015 are also eligible to apply,
subject to having secured first class (60 %) or equivalent grades up to the last
semester. Nationality: Applicant should be an Indian citizen. Age Limit: 25
years as on 31.12.2014 (born on or after 31.12.1989). Fellowship detailsThe
selected candidates will be offered a consolidated amount of Rs.16,000/- per
month for two years which will be raised to Rs.18,000/- in the third year
subject to satisfactory academic review.How to applyApplications are to be
submitted on onlineLast date: 28th February, 2015.For more details, please
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