Walk-in for Senior Java/J2ee Developer @ Xerago, Nungambakkam, Chennai on 15 Nov
2014 between 11.00am - 02.30pm. Xerago is a Customer Value Maximization company
that helps customers maximize the value they derive, from their customers by
making interventions on Technology, Creative, Media and Analytics. Xerago
touches Millions of customers every day with its marketing interventions using
its proven global delivery capabilities to efficiently deliver knowledge
solutions to top marketers and allied service providers. Skills Required: *
Excellent knowledge and experience in Core Java, Jsp, Servlets, Struts,
Hibernate, Javascript, Jquery * Knowledge in Web-services (SOAP, Rest) is an
added advantage. * BFSI domain experience is an added advantage. Job
Description: * Expected to have a good understanding of High Level Architect,
Object Oriented Programming and Database Programming. * Ensure a bug free
delivery. * Expected to keep pace with the technological changes. Experience
: 4 - 7 years Job Location : Chennai Venue Details: Xerago (Near
Srilankan High-commission Office) New #13, Old #9, Sterling Road, 1st Cross
Street, Chowdary Colony, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034.Contact Person : Vijay
(8754472929 / 9841055294) Regards, Vijay
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